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Is Farage's Tv Exposure Disproportionate?

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Hypognosis | 16:53 Fri 01st Nov 2013 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
Dimblebeeb warned us that he will be on BBC Question Time, next week and all I could think was "Oh no, not AGAIN".

How much free publicity does this bloke need?

How come other minority parties (like the Green Party) do not get as much coverage?

Or do you think the BBC are doing it on purpose, to make it clear to as many as possible what an awful administrative mess our country would get into if we elected a beer-swilling, single-issue bunch of reactionaries into power?

And, by power, I include being in the position of being the party which makes a coalition feasible.



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Some might say that it's a subtle plot by the Lefties in the Beeb. Give him loads of airtime and his party will attract enough votes to ruin the prospect of Cameron returning to no 10.
15:39 Sun 03rd Nov 2013
If this BEER drinking, Publicity seeker, exposes these Cheap meals, Free heating, Help towards their expenses M.Ps as the eldery has to choose bettween Heating or food, & has the bottle to say it, good luck to him.
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I didn't say he wasn't entertaining and scores bucketloads of points off other MP's, I only asked if his TV exposure is commensurate with the number of seats his party holds in parliament?

Whis was, erm, none, at the last count. Fridge is a Euro-parliament bod isn't he?

What are Euro-MP expense allowances like?

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I wish AB had a 'lead balloon' badge, for threads like this.

Some might say that it's a subtle plot by the Lefties in the Beeb. Give him loads of airtime and his party will attract enough votes to ruin the prospect of Cameron returning to no 10.
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Hi Sandy,

So have the Tories vowed against forming coalition with UKIP?

(subtext: if people had known -before the election- that the LibDems were happy to ally themselves with the Tories, I wonder how many people would have veered away from the "what the heck, let's give this bunch a go" kind of punt?)

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Is Farage's Tv Exposure Disproportionate?

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