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joggerjayne | 10:17 Sun 03rd Nov 2013 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Is this the best advert ever ?



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Ahhh...great !
Ive seen the add a few times, great!!
I've seen it a few times too. Very good.
Question Author
Everyone should have real friends like that.
Friends like these....
Yes JJ, it's brilliant - OH and I were talking about this a couple of days ago. It's a great ad - one of the best.
It's a great advert.
Gness, that video made me cry. Having a close family member who is severely mentally and physically disabled, we have endured years of stares and rude comments. This has helped restore a bit of faith in that their are children being brought up to respect people who are 'different'.
Brought a few tears to my eyes, Boingo....I worked in a mainstream school in a poor area. We had a unit for deaf children and some children in the main school with various problems.....Our kids may have been a bit rough and ready but by god were they protective of the ones who needed a little more care.....warms the heart doesn't it?
Gness - that is lovely brought tears to my eyes too. I love people when they are kind and considerate.
The Guinness advert is good - but gness's basketball clip is even better - just lovely.

Great vid that, gness, true sportsmanship imo.
Aaw, gness. That was lovely! Had tears in my eyes, too :-)

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