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The M&s Christmas Advert...

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sandyRoe | 15:41 Tue 05th Nov 2013 | ChatterBank
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It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
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Bah humbug! Is that manhole the one that the M+S profits disappeared down, do you think?
I do wonder how they choose their models - I see more attractive (IMO, of course) women in town all the time...
Must have cost a fortune to make, sandy.

I did notice that the lassie's clothes kept falling off. I'm sure that will appeal to some...
But don't you just love the pooch?
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Yes, indeed. You'd think she might get a foundering on that magic carpet at this time of year.
Blue Toffee - yes I do.

A friend and ex employee of mine was telling me how they had to spend a WHOLE DAY sitting with Rosie Huntington-Whitely selecting the best still shots of her in her undies.

Some people have rotten jobs.
I'm waiting for the John Lewis one.........

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The M&s Christmas Advert...

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