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Seems Mad To Me!

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Georgiesmum | 15:46 Tue 05th Nov 2013 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
I read today that India have just spent £45 million pounds launching a space programme to Mars, yet the U K have sent them £280 million pounds for food aid.
I would be interested to hear your thoughts on this. The way we are going we will soon be wanting them to send US food aid!


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Georgiesmum I completely agree, I'm not sure how anyone can justify this. Quite apart from the aid we send, India is reknowned for having huge areas of deprivation and poverty yet can spend money on a space programme.
I suppose someone somewhere thinks that a space prop. will bring in money,but does not help those in need now!
Beggars belief.......We need to start feeding our own homeless and elderly on the breadline.
im sure i read somewhere that India doesn't want the aid .
The £280 million is until 2016!It is wrong,the UK needs to look after their own poor first!
the UK said a year ago it was ending aid to India
In the USA, in 1969, a protest march, made up of people from the poorer southern states went to Florida, for the launch of Apollo 9.

Needless to say, it got hardly any coverage.

Moral decision or not, the point is that, when the poverty cannot be fixed overnight but you CAN go to the moon or Mars today, then you press ahead with the space mission. No sense in sitting around awaiting the arrival of utopian equality for all.
It shows how gullible we are old people will be dyeing of cold this winter cause they wont be able to pay there heating bills GOOD OLD ENGLAND soft tough as usual
Guilt money for empire lost OR another way for 'commissions' and other expenses to be passed on?
There's certainly no evidence of the big push for the money to target the millions without clean water and basic sanitation.

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Seems Mad To Me!

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