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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 05:45 Wed 06th Nov 2013 | ChatterBank
166 Answers
Wednesday. Still not had the promised biblical deluge. I'm not complaining you understand! :o}

A fresh batch of crumpets up for grabs. I made 36, there are 32 left.

Have a happy day everyone.


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Sounds promising Tony - keep us informed.

Shouldn't you be gutting a mackerel or polishing your goth by now, Mrs O ?
Yes it does sound promising mrs o, hopefully she will be back at home with us this time tomorrow :-)
have just read this tony. fingers crossed. hope all goes well. x
Thanks lj, Another update, emergency vet has just phoned and says that Bow now needs a blood transfusion due to how much blood she has lost and will have to stay at the emergency vets for another two or three days. She is in intensive care.
well they are on top of things it seems.....fingers crossed tony.
Thinking of you and your family at this anxious time. Hope she pulls through. xx

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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