Quizzes & Puzzles56 mins ago
If Cameron and his Cronies do not sack Ian Duncan Smith ,right now, they will not even win a local election in 2015, never mind being runners up in the General election in 2015.
"IDS has a military background", as CT says above. Well, he spent six years in the Army, reaching the dizzy heights of Captain...ie a rank that is recognised as a 'junior officer'. Clearly, the Scots Guards - Oh the shame of it for a Jock like me! - had a somewhat clearer view of his abilities than the Tories have ever had. Bojo may well be a pretend buffoon, but IDS...
09:29 Fri 08th Nov 2013
but don't go thinking that he tried to get the Public Accounts Committee to put all the blame onto a civil servant, because he's denied it.
http:// www.itv .com/ne ws/2013 -11-07/ iain-du ncan-sm ith-den ies-pas sing-bu ck-over -welfar e-refor m-failu res/
Ids is arrogant so he will get it wrong.
Wasting DWP money like that is really very bad news but I feel it will not register even with Cameron.
Ids seems to be happy to do alot of the dirty work so has value to Cameron for now!
They all waste obscene amounts of money but the public deserve at the very least an honest explanation and you want Ids to talk openly about what failed and his hand in it (why not). He has let people down. I can't describe him as a public servant because he doesn't listen to people - he dominates them.
Ids has a military background... what happened his planning skills? (This is very disappointing and I bet his ex military colleagues are cringing because they know too well how important it is to plan and whatever about him they are very good at it)
In your clip Jno -What has happened to Ids's eyebrows? (only 50%! there)
Wasting DWP money like that is really very bad news but I feel it will not register even with Cameron.
Ids seems to be happy to do alot of the dirty work so has value to Cameron for now!
They all waste obscene amounts of money but the public deserve at the very least an honest explanation and you want Ids to talk openly about what failed and his hand in it (why not). He has let people down. I can't describe him as a public servant because he doesn't listen to people - he dominates them.
Ids has a military background... what happened his planning skills? (This is very disappointing and I bet his ex military colleagues are cringing because they know too well how important it is to plan and whatever about him they are very good at it)
In your clip Jno -What has happened to Ids's eyebrows? (only 50%! there)
But of course all governmments in recent years have form for wasting huge amounts of wonga on useless IT products. The £140m (or £300m) wasted on the Universal Credit system pales into insignificance when other recent examples are examined. The National Health records system which was finally put out of its misery earlier this year (under the guise of "localising" what was supposed to be a national project) started out with a budget of £2.3bn. This balooned to over £12bn before the plan was all but scrapped and much of that sum has been wasted.
IDS has a lot to answer for following his tenure as Work & Pensions secretary and this wasted £300m is comparatively small beer. Sacking him will not cure the general malaise that infests governments when it comes to spending other people's money because, as they say "another one will be along in a minute."
IDS has a lot to answer for following his tenure as Work & Pensions secretary and this wasted £300m is comparatively small beer. Sacking him will not cure the general malaise that infests governments when it comes to spending other people's money because, as they say "another one will be along in a minute."
that amount is peanuts in comparison to this wastage, sure one could find many other instances of sheer waste in all avenues of government spending, but DWP, NHS are some of the biggest, not their money so who cares, right?
http:// www.tax payersa lliance .com/wa ste/201 1/08/sy stem-fa ilure-1 1-billi on-nhs- system- finally -abando ned-sla mming-h igh-bil l-taxpa yers.ht ml
IDS is right in principle, how many people do go on about the welfare state and those supposedly getting something for nothing, so i guess he is trying to do something about it, it is all too rushed, that is the problem, welfare will go on rising no matter what he or anyone else does. Too many people, and too many who can and do play the system. Those who are in genuine need are often pawns in this game, and they are the ones who come off worse. Have you ever tried to negotiate the forms that are presented to make claims, they can be a nightmare for the most hardy souls, let alone some who have problems with physical/mental health.
"IDS has a military background", as CT says above.
Well, he spent six years in the Army, reaching the dizzy heights of Captain...ie a rank that is recognised as a 'junior officer'. Clearly, the Scots Guards - Oh the shame of it for a Jock like me! - had a somewhat clearer view of his abilities than the Tories have ever had.
Bojo may well be a pretend buffoon, but IDS is a real one.
Well, he spent six years in the Army, reaching the dizzy heights of Captain...ie a rank that is recognised as a 'junior officer'. Clearly, the Scots Guards - Oh the shame of it for a Jock like me! - had a somewhat clearer view of his abilities than the Tories have ever had.
Bojo may well be a pretend buffoon, but IDS is a real one.
Latest BBC News link :::
http:// www.bbc .co.uk/ news/uk -politi cs-2483 9358
It used to be said of Tina that as soon as she uttered the words " XXXXXXX has my full confidence" that person was very close to having the chop. Perhaps IDS will have the same ?
It used to be said of Tina that as soon as she uttered the words " XXXXXXX has my full confidence" that person was very close to having the chop. Perhaps IDS will have the same ?