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Ireland's Own No 1289

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poorclare | 14:54 Fri 08th Nov 2013 | Crosswords
9 Answers
10a Used instead of they esp after a noun (4) t?e?

Thanking you


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I don't understand why the answer is them- can someone give me an example please
Me neither. I thought of "them", but that would be after a verb, not a noun?
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Many thanks my friends, I wrote Them down and then had seconds thoughts
Lovely day here, cold but the sun is out, hope its like this tomorrow as I am off to Kildare.
Have a lovely time x
I think them would follow a preposition e.g to them, on them etc.
Yes- or verb- the dog bit them
Question Author
Thank you Pixie373, shall leave writing the answer until later and see what
other folk think, (I photocopy my crosswords first so as not to mess things up)

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Ireland's Own No 1289

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