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Dyson Cleaners...

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john1066 | 16:42 Mon 11th Nov 2013 | Jokes
7 Answers
A friend of mine has just been taken into hospital. His new Dyson Ball Cleaner didn't do as he expected...


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LOl sure he's not the first to go to hospital after a vacuum cleaner incident
Too much suction or not enough?
Hetty looks much friendlier.
I remember hearing this from a few years ago, dangerous things a Hoover Dustette!
The paper is a BMJ paper - penile injuries suffered from the Hoover Dustette. Much read but not much quoted.

The unfortunates, who do not read the instructions, fall foul, or slip up, when they use the Dustette to hoover the stairs whilst wearing only an open dressing gown and nothing else,

and then they trip...

terrible and then they have to decide whether it is the GP or A+E

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