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Anyone Else Blubbing?

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pusskin | 17:59 Tue 12th Nov 2013 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
Cant stop blubbing while watching the news as I'm getting dinner ready for tonight. Oh, those poor people having no food or water!!!!


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The Philipines are in such an awfull situation.
Choked on my lunch and dinner for the last few days watching all this news.
I must admit I havent yet blubbed, I'm cooking Chilli Con Carne tonight.

What people, Philippines?
What is the death toll up to now? I have a few friends in the Philippines, ex work colleagues.
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At least 10,000 Ratter, could be many more.
I'm cooking the rest of a lovely stew tonight, y/days dinner.
They havent got anything to eat drink, shelter. So sad .
It is so sad, I wish they could get the help they so quickly need.
No, not blubbing. Sad as it is, and it is, people disasters rarely move me. Show me animal one with thousands of animals suffering, and id be a crying wreak.
I can't think what it must be like trying to survive in these conditions when your home has been destroyed and family have been lost. Where do you find the strength and heart to go on?

To have a child die is the most awful thing....but for the child to be washed away.....could I go on were it one of mine?....I don't know.

My donation has gone through Save the Children as it always does and I know we have many people already working with children of the Philippines ...if they are still alive.

The question is...can the aid get through? Heartbreaking.
Ive been there a few times and the majority of the people are lovely and friendly.

Its hard enough in normal weather to get to some of theses remote islands and small towns, so it must be a nightmare now this has happened.
It's the organisation of the aid that seems to be lacking - like flying in supplies on aircraft that are too big to land on the runway.
##No, not blubbing. Sad as it is, and it is, people disasters rarely move me. Show me animal one with thousands of animals suffering, and id be a crying wreak.##

So as long as the donkeys are watered and fed, everything is fine and dandy?
Please help those poor people by making a donation to the disaster fund.
Yes trt....that's exactly what I said....

No, sorry, I agree with trt& BOO, it does nothing for me, seen it all before.
Life is a lottery, depends upon who and what you're parents are and where you were born.
trt wasn't agreeing with me sqad.
BOO....LOL.....then i don't agree with trt & BOO.......I just agree with BOO.

So right, Sqad.....thankfully though some don't look away from those who drew the short straw....
As sad as it is, and god bless them, it's a known area for this sort of thing, their goverment should have money in place for such a disaster or at least a contingency plan. I know it can't bring back those that have died, but help would be there for those poor people that have been left with nothing.

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