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Marched At The Cenotaph On Sunday.

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10ClarionSt | 22:21 Tue 12th Nov 2013 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
I thought the drum beat was much too quick. Some of the veterans couldn't keep up but checking the beat on i player when I got back it was slower than the standard 120 bpm. Must be me. However, as we approached Horseguards, I was surprised to see David Cameron walking alongside me on the pavement with his son, plus the heavies of course. I said, good morning Prime Minister. He was curteous enough to say good morning back, but I was really surprised to see him there as he'd laid a wreath at the Cenotaph only a short time before. Good ol' Dave eh?


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Indeed. Now wait to read posts saying it was a PR stunt, he's a politician and not sincere... !
No need to Fred, you've already said it.
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Oh, that's a shame. I was looking forward to them.
I don't think these politicians have any real choice but to go through the ceremonial. I stood with a pal who had lost his father to a U Boat on the sea we were looking at when the gun announced the silence.
You may be right fred, but then again he might just have been out with his son to showing a bit of respect like a lot of other people.
It's a pity that some assume that a politician loses all humanity on taking up the career. What reason is there to suggest that Cameron wouldn't give a polite and sincere response, as anybody would, if greeted ? Or that he wouldn't turn up at a Remembrance, as so many of us do, if he were not in politics ? Agreed, he wouldn't be laying a wreath ,on behalf of the government, at the Cenotaph
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im delighted you attended and sure you felt very proud, thank you.

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