10a) Frank and I cut disc (6)
18d) Wrongly cite some quite badly, ignoring end of sentence (8)
231d) Unholy pope identifies himself, clasping ring (7)
25a) Seabirds repelled another one (4)
3oa) Gather bale scattered over terrible mess (8)
Apology for having no letters. All help much appreciated
Thank you all for your prompt and very helpful responses. Sorry for the typo on 21 down - seven letters (Clue: Unholy pope indentifies himself, clasping ring I?P???S)
Thank you again sandyRoe. For all: Absolutely stuck on 16 down (Clue: It makes chilarer itch a bit, 3 letters N?T) I have googled the word chilarer but are none the wiser, so hopefully you can help.