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Can You Listen To This And Keep Still?

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Tilly2 | 21:05 Wed 13th Nov 2013 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
I can't.


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Sorry Miss, leaves me cold.
I love fairy tale in New York. Sorry, will watch vid now.
Hmmm. Not really for me. What are you into, shoots?
Sorry Pix, missed your question: I mainly like music from the Baroque and Classical periods, Handel, Purcell, Vivaldi and a host of less well known composers although I also like trad folk (Steeleye Span, Dubliners) and early rock'n roll (Buddy Holly, Eddie Cochrane.)
I sometimes inflict my peculiar taste on the world in Mamyas thread:
Aah. Cultured! :-)
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Poser, I would say.

Goodnight all. Off to the chippy to see Elvis.
i agree with you tilly. really like kirsty.

there's a chinese restaurant in bexley where one of the waiters does an impersonation of elvis. he's quite good in a funny sort of way.

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Can You Listen To This And Keep Still?

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