Has anyone managed to sort out the confusion on 12a, 9d, and 14a.
12a. Somewhere recognisable in a country with money. I had LANDMARK. But that doesn't fit in with 9d. Loud man to badly nag the spanish demon. I had FALLEN ANGEL but the second L in fallen clashes with the K in landmark.
Also 14a. Pass on dance for sport. I?T?N?
Hope someone can sort me out please.
Fallen angel looks good: F + Allen + ANG (anagram of NAG) +EL
I commented about 14a last night. The I seemed right but I'm not sure where the T and N came from. A good answer would be handball if only it would fit.
LANDMARK looks okay but maybe there's an alternative. What pattern would you have if FALLEN ANGEl were right?
Right factor fiction,you could well be right that they have the clues wrong way round which would mean the clue that is eluding us would be.
14a Somewhere recognisable in a country with money (6) i?t?n?
not an answer,I'm afraid,but assuming factor-fiction is correct about handball instead of landmark does that mean they have given 2 clues for the same space and we have to guess about 14a ?