No offence coggles, but no. [gets out soap box]; Because once you eliminate colour prejudice, you still got borders, you still got antiFrench, anti-Irish, antiAmerican etc. and anti Liberalism, anti fascism, ageism, feminism, sexism, pecking orders, 'kill the rich', 'shoot the poor' classwars, and then you just got the religious haters and manipulators to worry about. We are all members of many formal and informal groups, which can put us in the position to be discriminated against. Unfortunately societies inherently enjoy bullying those that are different to the current majority; maybe we should all strive to be similar and fit in, but then we would have no pioneers, record-breakers, explorers, inventors, artists or mould breakers.. so if you want to make a difference you got to stand out stand up and take the flak, and if you just want it easy then you got to work at becoming the grey one, mingled in, head below parapet, being pulled by the strings of fashion bullies, political bullies and religious bullies and every person you meet who has a hidden agenda for putting you down and themselves up. King of the castle is ageless and misses no opportunity to usurp you. So, colour, then is only the tip of the iceberg and we're all doomed to control and victimization, and even bullies get bullied. - soz. And who was the first man? why man, why not woman? Because TRINITY said so, man is the question and i don't know the answer but maybe the world would've been better off without [him]. So I'll just get back to my telly and pc and chocolate and booze and other stuff that diverts me from studying the tangle of **** we're in, and then i'll get me coat. :-)