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joggerjayne | 19:16 Sun 17th Nov 2013 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
I have made Angel Delight.

It was a bit sickly, and I didn't finish it.


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I'll finnish for you then jj, what flavour is it hope it's banana.
Shaddap, Angel Delight is lovely.
Sounds like a porn star.
jj, I thought you were posh.
Oi Yilly, Angel Delight is posh I'll have you know.
Tilly, it's Royal Angel Delight
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Posh? lol

Not moi, darling.


Actually, was butterscotch.
LOL, know what you mean, stewey.
Actually, was butterscotch.

Mmmmmm, ok I'll still finish it for you jj. wish it was banana though.
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Does it come in banana flavour?
I believe so, jj.
You'll be eating pot noodles next JJ.
You must have a mega hangover, be it from your youth or from too much to drink last night.......justifying a n Angel delis is hard....
Hey Eccles it's better than Instant Whip !.
True Tony, very true.....
And Blancmange (sp) Eccles.
We have to take your word for that Tony, no way am I trying either
Ok ok Psybbo, I'll have yours as well then.

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