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Tilly2 | 16:36 Mon 18th Nov 2013 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
H2SO4. How do you make it? Can you remember the formula?


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Sulphuric acid?
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Flip! What's hydrogen sulphate, Danny?
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Oh, no 2!
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Thank you. Now what's the formula?
Conjugate base formula

H2SO4 => HSO4-
Formula mass of H2SO4

2 H atoms X (1.01 amu / H atom) = 2.02 amu 1 S atom X (32.07 amu
John Brown is dead and in his grave
His voice you'll hear no more
For what he thought was H20
was H2SO4
jeepers, never understood chemistry, but love the home made volcanoes with lava spouting, isn't it baking powder/soda and something else?

(we never made any when the sprogs were young, I was hopeless)
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I loved chemistry and I'm trying to remember some of those formulae we used to write out. I'm not having much success. I don't understand any of Mamya's last two answers.
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Alba was it baking powder and vinegar?
What a coincidence, alba. I have just placed a vintage carving fork into a solution of vinegar, baking soda, and salt to clean it. Quite a volcanic effect.
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Did it work, stewey?

Grassy, I'd forgotten that!
Tilly2, it's an excellent cleaning solution for some items: just let it soak for a few hours.
Question Author
Thank you, stewey. Old silver cutlery then?
A better way for silver and silver plated things is to line the bottom and about 2' of the sides of your sink with aluminum foil, pour in boiling water, place your items in, and dump some baking soda in. Mind you, as always, you'll get various opinions on this method, but it works for me.
Question Author
Another good tip. I'll try that. Thank you.

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