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Ebay Now Charging For Postage

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smurfchops | 12:02 Mon 18th Nov 2013 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Just looked at my latest eBay bill, I just cannot believe it. eBay are now charging 10% for postage as a separate Final Value Fee. I will think twice now before selling with them. So we have to pay for postage and pay them as well !


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They've been doing that for a while. I think it's a great idea as it stops the shysters selling items very cheaply while making the profit on exorbitant postage.
Yeah fine but the rest who charge the proper postage are paying for those who are making their money of the postage .A while ago eBay said it was stopping sellers from doing this but what do the do but charge the honest person with the fair postage .next 12 percent as sales will drop because the buyers won't pay the hike in postage charges put on by eBay
That's what happens when people play the system, though. Some people were cheating eBay out of its proper FVF by making their profits on postage so everyone has to pay.
Same as we all pay for shoplifting at the till and insurance fraudsters in our insurance premiums.
eBay could charge those with high postage as they were supposed to do as they must know every deal done on their site
Incorporate the postage fee in the basic price and advertise FREE postage...
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Shoota if you incorporate the postage into the selling fee you are still paying 10% surely ?
What about cod that would sicken eBay
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Cod ?
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Oh do you mean cash on delivery? Good idea, get out of paying paypal as well but it limits your sales.
And who would process the CoD? How much would that cost?
What if the buyer refuses to pay?
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Well I have now complained to eBay and got a full refund of postage fees....... Maybe if everyone did this, ebay might take notice and stop this new greedy practice.
Just while on the subject of paying more on ebay/paypal .Why does it cost more to get paid in different monies .I paid 40p more in paypal fees because it was not a GB buyer

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