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Some Good Ww11 Photographs Here

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sandyRoe | 15:10 Thu 21st Nov 2013 | ChatterBank
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Excellent photographs sandy...........
Great pictures. I don't think, at my present age, that I would have wanted to experience that as a young man. However, if I was a young man at that time would I?...Is that a photo of a paratrooper landing head first?
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It seems to be. I'd guess he'd got tangled in the chute lines
Some amazing photos there sandy, thank you for sharing.
Very powerful images Sandy.
It reminds me of that scene in "The Longest Day" where a paratrooper slides down a well, and the camera dwells on the chute slowly getting sucked down: what a way to go...amongst many more.

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Some Good Ww11 Photographs Here

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