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No Iss Evening Sightings For A Few Weeks .here Is Update On Comet Ison

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wendilla | 17:25 Thu 21st Nov 2013 | ChatterBank
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I still haven't seen it.

very thoughtful wendilla, thank you
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JJ you wll have a better chance of seeing the evening sightings in the frosty clear skies .
I shall wrap up warm and hope to spot it.
I can't see the rising sun sky when it's still dark, there are houses and cliffs in the way (grumble)
I have this rather jolly image of standing outside the pub with some pals, and I'm armed with info from one of Wendi's posts, so I point out the comet, and nonchalantly mention that it's Comet Ison, and they will all think I'm really clever.
That link says "dawn", JJ - you're in the pub at dawn?
"evening sightings" boxy
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J J. I was replying to the spotting of the I ss .
Wendilla - do you have the timings and position of the Comet sightings please - for the next week or two?
I'm going to start looking for Comet Lovejoy
Thanks mojo - great site.

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No Iss Evening Sightings For A Few Weeks .here Is Update On Comet Ison

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