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pixie373 | 17:08 Thu 21st Nov 2013 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
Watching people like Derren Brown, Dynamo, David Blaine and other illusionists, do you think they use stooges?

My OH is convinced they do- although the one person he knows who was filmed on Derren Brown, he knows was not an actor. I like to believe they're not and I'm wondering why they haven't gone to the papers and earned a fortune, if they are.

Do you know anyone that's been involved or approached for these sorts of programmes? What do you think?



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Levitation is just trick photography, but Penn and Teller do it so well!
22:23 Thu 21st Nov 2013
It made me wonder that pixie, after watching Dynamo in Rio he could not have levitated like that without some assistance and props. Dynamo/Steven Frayn's tricks are amazing.
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They are, ayg. I can't understand how a lot of them are done, but i also think we'd have heard about it, if actors were asked. Surely someone would let on?
you MUST see

now you dont ..... or perhaps it is now you see it

Morgan Freeman as a magic debunker
four magicians
and ze Fransh leddy for a leedol bit of... slap and tickle 00 la la !

they use stooges
anyway didnt Penn and Teller do a whole series telling how they did it ?
Levitation is just trick photography, but Penn and Teller do it so well!
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That was interesting, jeffa. Haven't seen those two before. I'm sure there's a trick with "magic". But how about Derren Brown who does the psychological shows. Is that just people knowledge? He says himself, he doesn't do magic, isn't psychic and doesn't use actors or trick photography. Just find his programmes fascinating!

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