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Nickelback-how you remind me

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lightoftruth | 10:43 Fri 03rd Mar 2006 | Music
4 Answers
what are the two b tracks from how you remind me single one was leader of men and the other ended in .... had lyrics about f***ing her friends


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Laern the hard way??
Sorry Learn.
Sorry It was called Yanking out my...
Let's rip out yours instead of mine.

And all you need

Are several ways to watch me bleed.

Well, thanks for stopping this beating in my chest.

It's easier now, and I'm happy like this.

Just like this.

Even though I ain't coming back now,

I didn't mean to seem as though

I was so ungreatful for for all you've done here.

For yanking out my...


You **** your friends for all your needs.

And stay the course.

No, the universe ain't yours.

Well, thanks for stopping this beating in my chest.

It's easier now, and I'm happy like this.

Just like this.

Even though I ain't coming back now,

I didn't mean to seem as though

I was so ungreatful for for all you've done here.

Even though I ain't coming back now,

I didn't mean to seem as though

I was so ungreatful for for all you've done here.

For yanking out my...

If I could only see this.

If I could have one good reason.

All my feelings out of season.

Am I to thank for yanking out my...

Yanking out my... Yanking out my...

Feeling fine.

Let's rip out yours instead of mine.

And all you need

Are several ways to watch me bleed.

Well, thanks for stopping this beating in my chest.

It's easier now, and I'm happy like this.

Just like this.

Even though I ain't coming back now,

I didn't mean to seem as though

I was so ungreatful for for all you've done here.

Even though I ain't coming back now,

I didn't mean to seem as though

I was so ungreatful for for all you've done here.

For yanking out my...

For yanking out my...

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Nickelback-how you remind me

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