The key aspect to the management of dry eyes is identifying the underlying cause. Dry eyes could be an issue with poor tear volume and production or poor stability due to problems with aspect of different constituents of the tear film layer leading to excess watering or rapid evaporation. Problems with dry eyes can have numerous factors including age, environmental issues, systemic conditions, medications, eye lid anomalies, contact lens use, smoking etc.
Eyelid disorders such as blepharitis or meibomiam gland dysfunction(MGD) are conditions which benefit from the hot compress, massage and lid hygiene routine on a regular basis and there are over the counter products designed specifically for these tasks. Try googling EYEBAG, BLEPHACLEAN and LID CARE WIPES.
There is also a wide variety of artificial lubricants available for different aspects of dry eye problems. Some people find the basic ones such as hypromellose work reasonably well whereas other require more modern lubricants such as hycosan or optive. Using drops regularly throughout the day require preservative free options due to toxic affects of certain preservative found in some drops. Some people need more greasy ointments for overnight use such as Lacrilube or night time gel.
Often there is no cure for dry eye problems and people require regular maintenance of the symptoms with drops, lid hygiene etc.
Some questions I would usually ask are:
when are your symptoms worse? Time of day, certain activities etc
how long have you been aware of the Sx?
Any change in meds recently?
how is your general health?
A visit to your local optometrist may be a good idea unless it was them that referred you to the specialist in the first place but seeking alternative advice may be worthwhile if you are still unhappy.
Hope his helps.
Ps. Thanks sqad