Can be a pain in the backside at the best of times, but, our Postie turned up this morning and all we got was an advert for Domino's Pizza (I do know that there are steps that I can take to stop the flow of junk mail. I just wanted to share)!!!!!
Too busy to go through it all, Dave. It is intrusive, because if i wanted to buy something, I'd contact them.
mikey- don't take your ID off. Just cross through it. Then they take you off the list.
There's only me and Mum in the house and neither of us have ever had Domino's Pizza. I usually check the boxes saying I DON'T want the mail through the letterbox - it goes double for their e-mails as well.
joko, posties definitely do deliver loose leaflets, we get them regularly, usually farmfoods and the like. I know for a fact it is the postman who delivers them because I get a lot of parcels delivered and they hand me my post at the same time.
Now 'Royal Mail' has been sold and become a private company it is going to get MUCH worse. They need every penny they can get to pay the share holders dividends so they will deliver AYTHING!
We have been told the main points and it says nothing we did not already know. Even the EU commission says that if a country withdraws from the EU , which is what Scotland will have to do, it will have to go through the full process of reapplying for membership, which takes years, Alex Salmond just ignored the warning as he had no answers.