I just managed to get some good deals on presents for my son and my grandsons.
Firetrap hooies and tees for the grandies and a Nintendo DS XL with Pokemon X for my son :)
My goodness me, there was a line of over 50 people outside one of our Game stores looking to buy the new Sony play-station.....talk about Black Friday.
There was a wonam talking on local radio this morning who'd queued from 4.30AM at ASDA for bargains. When the doors opened at 8 she was told they'd nothing on offer. It was a black Friday for her.
We have a massive Asda up the road from us, and I made the mistake of going shoppin there this morning (not knowing about Black Friday!) - it was packed! I queued up to pay for my few items behind a man who had 3 very large screen TVs balanced on his trolley!