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I Found This Amusing

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sherrardk | 20:19 Mon 02nd Dec 2013 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
Go to google, type in 'where is Chuck Norris' and choose the first option.


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Ha ha!!
Give me a clue what it's about first.
Nothing alarming, honest.
After a day of numbers and more numbers, I must have lost my sense of humour....
Aaaw...have a cuddle, dtc x
thank you, pixie, I might take you up on that.

Had a nice lunch though, a great ploughmans and glass of Rioja.
Lol, very good!
What prompted you to search for Chuck in the first place Sherr?
All I got was t shirts for sale
at the risk of showing myself up - who's Chuck Norris?
Google him Hombre
Question Author
It was on another website, although boy #1 tells me he goggled this 'weeks' ago.
no, Paul Newman was in Hombre
Lucky you! ;-)
looks over glasses...


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I Found This Amusing

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