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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 06:14 Tue 03rd Dec 2013 | ChatterBank
124 Answers
Tuesday. The dry, calm weather is about to change big time, or so we are told.

Can't complain though.

A quiet day today. Well, that's the plan anyway. We shall see.

Have a happy day everyone.


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Sorry for delay, a long way to the kettle atm,
Yes, I'll put up a piccie if I can find one, but not today, too knaxxxxed.
Verrrrrry sexy !!! Bet you did the Edinburgh tattoo ! Boaty did I know...
Baldric - you don't know one John Thurman do you, ex Major in the Marines and married Sir Rex Hunt's daughter?
Right ho, my dogs are back, I,m going to have a little Zzzzzzzz on the settee for a while or at least just enjoy the Estuary if all else fails.

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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