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TWR | 07:20 Tue 03rd Dec 2013 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Further to my comments regards Cyclists, the amount that has been booked in the Capital, one crank reading a book whilst steering with his knees.


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Blooming pest they are ....
Instead of booking them for jumping red lights, they should just hurl a stick into their spokes as they do it..

The poor pedestrians don't know whether to trust a green man light.
They are as bad as motor vehicle drivers that think it is OK to eat their toast, shave, apply make up, read a news paper, drink their tea etc etc etc
What, jumping red lights?
I used to cycle to and from school every day, reading a book. It is quite possible to hold a book, and turn pages, with only one hand. The other hand operates the steering and brake. I did this for years, and only ever had one problem. That was when, between the morning and the evening, someone left a huge heap of sand in my way. I inadvertently rode up the heap and fell off the bike. (Nice soft landing.) Unfortunately, a nosy neightbour told my mother, but nothing stopped me from reading on my bike.
Lucky it was a heap of sand and not an OAP or child. I presume you're pulling our legs, so lol.
Is it possible that Plod is beginning to see them as the new Cash-cow?
Wonderful news if so!
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Safety, Baldric
nothing new, i see them on a daily basis, i would say that 70 percent i see, and in whatever part of the capital, so not limited to our borough, area, jump red lights, and up to 30 percent i see, ride on the pavements, and our local neighbourhood traffic police were shocked at how many they caught over just one mornings traffic/cycling initiative, jumping the lights. I did tell the senior officer previously of my concerns and they are now beginning one hopes, taking it seriously.
i saw a dad take his three children to school, presumably that is where they were heading, one on the handle bars, one in the middle and one on the back, then the pea brains who don't use their hands when cycling, ones who wear i phones, talk on mobiles, and don't wear anything remotely visible, nor have lights on the bike at night. who ride up the side of buses, large vehicles, and indeed weave in an out of the traffic without a clue as to what they do as remotely dangerous, can't understand this death wish.
I've seen someone cycle to our schools who has a small, very low cart attached to the back. It has a toddler in it. It makes me since when i see it.
...wince. Spell-checker. Sorry!
pixie, they are common round here. There used to be a vid on youtube of a toddler on a bike seat nodding off and nearly falling out of the seat!

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