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humbersloop -
The whips - Jimmy Page, like all of Zepelin, was a playboy back in the day, and Pamela Barres who was a famous groupie back then, and Page's on / off girlfriend, tells that he carried a selection of whips in his suitcases, and used them on willing young ladies when the mood took him.
The red snapper - Zeppelin, along with Vanilla Fudge, another rock band, were staying in an American waterfront hotel, which offered guests fishing gear and let them fish out of their hotel windows into the water. V. Fudge were entertaining a groupie with red hair, and someone fished a red snapper fish out of the water. Someone had the idea of 'introducing' a red snapper fish into a young lady (probably much hilarity about her 'red snapper', but hey, these are bored rock stars, what can you say?) and because Zeppelin drummer John Bonham was there, the story grew that it was Bonham and a mud shark. The fish breed has been corrected, but not the band involved, Zeppelin were the bigger band, they got the 'kudos' for the story.