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Wi Fi...

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john1066 | 18:54 Wed 04th Dec 2013 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
Pardon my ignorance, but what is a Wi Fi?


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It's a way of connecting to the internet (for example) without wires.
Question Author
Ok Pixie, But why are shops such a M&S offering free Wi Fi's
Oh sorry. I don't know. Just free wi fis? Not laptops/routers etc
It means you can go into the shop and connect to the internet on your phone or tablet, even computer and it doesn't cost you anything. Normally if you want to connect away from your own internet connection you have to pay for it.
Oh! Yes. Misunderstood your question. I'm sorry.
It enable you to use your smart phone or tablet to connect to wifi instore and compare their price with Amazon or any other retailer.
It could be that you can use M&S WiFi signal in their shops to use your own devices i.e. laptop in the cafe or tablet, iPad or mobile phone.

WiFi in simple terms is a means of connecting devices without the need for wires or cables. For example I can connect my computermabob to my printer without cables and still print because the WiFi use my home router network settings.
Bluetooth devices work in a similar way without cables to talk to each other.
just one wifi not 3
Question Author
Thanks everyone...I think I live in another world..I'll just stick to my desktop and mobile...Sad innit! xx
I think it is named in a tongue in cheek way.

Hi Fi was of course the way people referred to good quality sound systems (high fidelty) a few years ago.

Along comes wireless connection of computers and someone must have thought it funny to call it wi fi, and it stuck.
... fidel.I.ty.... sorry for the omission.
wi fi
WI reless
F ree
I nternet
I an a fool
WI re
F ree
I nternet
You learn something new every day.

Thanks Woofy
Your router is probably wifi enabled. Wouldnt you like to be able to connect from anywhere in your house, or have same facility in your pocket to connect everywhere except under water.

Think of saved space from a tin box on your desk to a credit sized gadget in your pocket ;)
tambo???? quoi??

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