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How Quickly Does Hair Grow Back?

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sherrardk | 21:39 Tue 03rd Dec 2013 | ChatterBank
49 Answers
Just discovered that thing #2 has snuck into the bathroom, climbed onto the toilet seat and then onto the counter and managed to get hold of some sideburn trimmer things. He has a whacking great big chunk of hair missing, slap bang in the middle of his forehead. His hair is very dark so it is very noticeable. (He must have done it with the stealth of a Ninja as I didn't hear a thing and I usually don't miss a trick.)


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It's an inch wide, by half an inch - then a small bit he missed - then another inch wide by half an inch bit. He missed his fringe, so it goes hair, gap, hair, gap, hair (he has really dark hair so it is really noticeable). Stupid boy, I am going to take blackmail photos tomorrow.
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Pixie, he was full off it this morning (he's five but he seems to have gained some kudos from it which is a massive positive given his speech/confidence issues) - it would have been nice if he could have done it some other way.
Sher...My son had LFC shaved in the back of his head at the start of the summer holidays (it was the trend then) and it had grown back by the time they started back to school.
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That's six weeks minimum - his is right at the front of his head where I look at his lovely face, you can't miss it (I know it's not the end of the world but he could have fallen and broken his neck).
sher, he could have, BUT he didn't, boys eh :)
Dark eyebrow pencil to make it less noticeable. Come on Sherrad, us females can do wonders of disguise.
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I'm not a make up kind of female, he's on his own on this one. Daft boy. Could have been worse, thing1 could have found the trimmer thing and inflicted untold carnage.
Poor boy. I will pop round with my make up bag. He needs help.

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