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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 05:42 Thu 05th Dec 2013 | ChatterBank
99 Answers
Thursday. A bit of frost about this morning. But I have lunch at the TA to look forward to today, even better is that I'm not paying! :o}

Have a happy day everyone.


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Sounds like Carberry's was a dolly. Can't afford to put these down.
Hang on to dog albs !
Sounds like we're all being affected to some degree minty.
It's to get worse here in the next hour ! ...hope we don't lose power or I'm stuffed !
lol DT :-D

Pooch is sleeping (sensible for once!)

I've put it off long enough, going to venture out.

Have a lovely day folks xx

(lights are flickering here)
Bye Albs be careful xxxxxx

I'm filling a couple of flasks with hot case !
Stay safe all....................
Had mail from Mrs o....home from hossie, had pretty bad time of it, but on the mend !
Oops had power cut .....back on....for how long ?
Morning all. So pleased to hear Mrs O is on the mend, Minty. That is good news. :o)

We're having a very bad, sad, time at the moment, but I won't depress you all with details. Have a good day. x
up since 4.44 .nice walk five mile walk felt like 8 today with high winds but enjoyable .Have a goodun all
Morning Naomi xx..poor love what's wrong hunni ?
Morning wee xx bad here ...part of my back fence down !
It's not your dog, Naomi is it? Best wishes xx

morning allxx
Morning pixie xx
No, not my dog, it's someone very young and very, very dear to us. Can't talk about it....

See you tomorrow. x
Naomi xxxx
excuse me boaty but all good wishes to the mcmafia today and those of you in ireland and oop north. in fact anywhere you are getting big problems with the wind, storm or anything nasty.
Thank you lady xx...think I'll go hide under my bed !

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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