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Boy, is he going to be surprised how full THIS nappy is going to be! Accessed through Google Chrome and an old version of Internet Exploder but not Firefox. Very strange.
20:13 Thu 05th Dec 2013
Access is forbidden Excel
Dagnab it, I missed an another opportunity to post something hilarious.
I can't view it, either, excel. ;(
Nor me! :o{
Given the keywords in the link I think you have all found yourselves on the Police paedophile list. Being female I would automatically be considered innocent. :-)
supersconic flight? too quick for me.
Excelsior sets his caption competitors the toughest challenge yet... write one for a picture you can't even see!
haven't read a funny one yet, which is very unusual
Question Author

oh, apologies folks

i can see it just fine, so i cannot understand why you cannot

best to leave this one -----
Boy, is he going to be surprised how full THIS nappy is going to be!

Accessed through Google Chrome and an old version of Internet Exploder but not Firefox. Very strange.

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Caption Competition, December 05

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