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Disproportionally Peeved, I Was

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Tilly2 | 20:45 Thu 05th Dec 2013 | ChatterBank
53 Answers
at not getting best answer on Excel's excellent thread last night. Sunny Dave won.It was a good one!

Anyone else?


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She is not the only one, if you ask me LOL

Quick change of avatar though - well done.
Did you make yours?
I wouldn't let mrs O hear you call her marigolds flaccid, hers are usually filled with best quality Whitby sand, choux choux.

Missed excel's thread last night.
Not that one, no. But my little sage and onion ducklings to adorn a leg of roast pork are legendary.
Hi gran.
Choux was referring to my prvious avatar which was an empty pair.
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Then you missed a treat ayg. It was good fun.
Then she should be more careful who she passes them to askyourgran!
Choux dalek - decorate, decorate pork
Who let them out tonight?

Good night chouxta :)
Bonne nuit ma petite choux....
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I'm back in proportion now. Goodnight all.
Night Till xx
Choux, mrs o being a Yorkshire woman wouldn't 'pass' a pair of sandfilled marigolds we sort of 'whang' them where we come from.

Lol shoota missed the flaccid pair did I?

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Disproportionally Peeved, I Was

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