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Hard Times

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Georgiesmum | 09:02 Sun 08th Dec 2013 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
Can it be right that the MP'S are going to get this big pay rise? What happened to " We are all in this together?"


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any link?
it says that the party leaders disagreed with the rise when it was proposed if you read this
I heard a nurse interviewed on the radio this morning.
She earns 22k per year and makes difficult decisions every single day, works unsociable shifts and says the job at times is thankless. These people must look at the proposed MP payrise and gasp!
they probably do, perhaps read the link and see what is actually involved, and those who are responsible for the rise...
They have to accept it apparently. Now why haven't we managed to do that? I look forward to them publishing the charity they are going to donate it to. Don't hold your breath!
I've read the link.... I don't get what you're getting at Emmie, are we not supposed to blame the politicians as this raise is imposed for a government selected body??

'The changes would also see a £15 dinner allowance and claims for tea and biscuits scrapped. And it would mean taxpayer-funded taxis were only permitted after 23:00.'

Oh thats ok then... they can just sit in their subsidised bar drinking till 11.05 pm before they get a public funded taxi home!

'After 2015, it proposes that MPs' wages would increase annually in line with average UK earnings.'

Cool, I haven't had a pay rise in three years so lets hope it's a retro-active raise!

These idiots do not have a clue about the real world.
first off it's not due till after 2015, so will the coalition still be in power, why doesn't Labour turn it down flat. That will garner them some votes i expect.
and would you sit in your office till 11pm just so you can claim for a taxi afterwards.
whilst we are about it, what about those who gets money off the state, taxpayers, yet never lifted a finger, did a days work in their lives... how is that right...
if they are ill, so disabled they can't, couldn't work then fine, but that is not the case as others keep on pointing out.

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