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Visitors For A Few Days, Arriving Tomorrow.

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Tilly2 | 19:36 Fri 06th Dec 2013 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
Everything's done. (I think)


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Wouldn't happen in my house, life's too short to put up with people you'd rather not. Why don't you engineer it next year to meet up at a nice pub half way between your houses?
takes all weekend to exchange xmas presents ? :)
Question Author
Shoota, no. I can't. It's a 'tradition' now.

Anyway, you'd hate to stay with me. You would have to listen to Pink Floyd and Dire Straits and Neil Young. You wouldn't like that would you?
Question Author
Sher, half way would be Birmingham. I'm not going there!
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Well, Anne. You have to make an occasion out of it, don't you?
Dire Straits are OK.

You could be a swinging sultana....
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For what raisin, Shoots??
Neil Young, I'm on my way
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Sibs, you would be very welcome. You can have the best bed.

I've got to go now. See you all, when I see you. Probably Monday evening. Bye. Stay well and safe. xxx
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All over. I enjoyed it, actually. They are very nice people and we had a lovely time. Back to normal now.
tilly what was all that about?
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What was what all about, lady j?
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^^^^^^^^^ Something and nothing Lady j.

I was getting in a flap over visitors but have actually had a really nice time and enjoyed the visit. In fact I would now like to delete the whole post as it is meaningless.

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