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sandyRoe | 13:07 Tue 10th Dec 2013 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
I've caught 12 in traps over the last few weeks but there are still mouse droppings left each morning on the kitchen window ledges. How many of the wee devils could we be unwittingly entertaining?


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keep all food in mouse proof containers. Pour poison pellets behind cooker & white goods. Block mouse holes.
well I reckon that is always one more mouse when you think you have got them all. Lucky you they are down stairs they get in ou eves and sound like Micheal Flatfeet and Riverdance at night.
Downstairs can be access from floorboards above ceiling; check cupboards for holes & block.
Sandy - I was more a Tom and Jerry girl. I watched your cartoon - I think that he should have just beat up his annoying son.

I hope that you get rid of your rodents. Failing that catch them, dye them white and sell them to people as pets.
Why would you want to trap them..............mice are lovely.
sandy: sweep up and save all that rodent sh!t and send it to craft...
snags, the cleaner wouldn't have a problem with that..........
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Tweety, 'I tawt I thaw a pussy cat', and Sylvester were miles better than Tom + Jerry.

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