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Feeling Sorry For Myself

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sherrardk | 22:32 Thu 12th Dec 2013 | ChatterBank
47 Answers
Girl has informed me she is appearing in the school's talent show tomorrow - I will now have to endure hours of awful 'turns' from other people's children. It starts at 1 and doesn't finish until 3.15 and I've still got the thing up the church to endure next week, roll on the end of term!


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I love reading your posts about your kids and it is obvious you love them to bits. I would go in your place if I could, I am only over the border in Worcs.
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Anne, I know. The original 'boy' is now 13, where did the time go? Luckily, he's quite nice for a teenager (we made the decision to ignore any arseyness unless he was directly rude to anyone and he is lovely, very proud of him (tell him I love him every night when he goes to bed)).
Children these days have it all too easy. You should turn up late and noisy, with a bottle of gin, or whatever, and tell everyone in a loud and slurred voice - "that's my daughter"

This will help her face the real world, and will let you out of the "thing at the church" (hope you're not referring to the vicar...)
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Pips, v kind but I wouldn't afflict that on himself (did try, but he was too canny for me). If I am lucky someone will fall over (joke).
^evening, o pope x
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Venator, I will be super early (hate lateness), I will make sure my kids know I am there (especially thing 2, he is a bit clingy). The vicar is a lady and a bit bossy actually but quite nice. I have no idea of her proper name but the kids all refer to her as **** banana (the *'s are not a swear word, it just her first name rhymes with banana).
Evening, and blessings, O thou who doth float upon the water. May your hull be free of barnacles at this happy time.

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