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Where Is Everybody?

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boxtops | 09:10 Fri 13th Dec 2013 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
somewhat embarrassingly, all the contributor names in Latest Posts are.... ME!


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ah, there's rocky - morning, rockette!
'orrible when that happens innit?

G'mornin, think i'll be overtaking you on the latest posts thingy.
\\\\somewhat embarrassingly, all the contributor names in Latest Posts are.... ME!\\\

I thought that was NORMAL.
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sqad.... :-)
Worse is being ignored

probably hiding in bed ... it's friday the thirteenth
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B00 xxxxxxxxxx
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I thought I'd done it again, but sqad's hanging on grimly at the bottom of the list :-)
It's surgery hours. Sqad starts early.
I'm here boxy ! Trying to work out how to refill my Rollalong water container for my caravan, without getting soaking wet.....absolutely pizzing down here at Lands End !
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morning mikey - I hope you succeed!

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