H.m.c in The AnswerBank: Crosswords
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DSJ | 19:17 Sun 15th Dec 2013 | Crosswords
4 Answers
41. It's not green of course (7) ??I????

This has been suggested as 'Fairway' but I don't think this answer fits in very well with the clue. Can anyone please make a better suggestion?

Thank you.
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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It is fairway. It's to do with a golf course.
Well how does it fit with connecting clues??

A Golf course has 'fairways' and greens' so looks ok.
Looks good to me, green and fairway both parts of a golf course.
Question Author
OK, thanks for your help. I have only the one letter because the quiz is all crossword clues from back issues of papers. One letter is given for each answer.

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