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Scottish Independence

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stewey | 03:39 Mon 16th Dec 2013 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
I quite often see the mentioned here.If the Scots are so disgruntled and seeking independence, why don’t they amalgamate themselves with the equally naïve people of Quebec and create an entire new nation. Combined, they could easily conquer Nova Scotia (New Scotland) and exist in perfect harmony. They could eat haggis with poutine, bannock cake with maple syrup, and celebrate Robbi Baptiste day. Moreover, the Scots could also bring over their Hadrian’s Wall just in case the situation regarding the dastardly French disnae work out…Just a wee thought:)


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Hadrian's Wall is English.
....and for that matter, have you ever been gruntled? :-)
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Well, maybe the southern half is. So the Scots could take the other half, and perhaps even half a wall would deter the dastardly French (Canadians).
What have you got against the French Canadians stewey?
Question Author
You'd have to live here to understand, Wharton. One thing is that the rest of the country has to have bilingual signs, instructions, directions etc. However, in Quebec, they actually have "language police" whose job is to keep to a minimum the amount of English used in public areas...Anyway, goodnight.
I appreciate that local knowledge is always better than perceived knowledge stewey. As for the 'language police' in Quebec, I've never heard of that, but, as I say 'local knowledge'. If I lived there I would have a few words with them, in English of course :-). Goodnight/morning.
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///Hadrian's Wall is English///.

I always thought of it as more of a 'Party Wall' English own one side and the Scots the other!

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