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Spacestation Sighting Over The Uk This Evening

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wendilla | 17:13 Tue 17th Dec 2013 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
1st sighting 5 12 pm for 4 mins SW departing E

2nd sighting 6 49 pm for 1 min W departing W

Could be lucky tonight as clear sky and sun today.


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Tue Dec 17, 5:12 PM 4 min 45° 25 above SW 19 above E Facebook
Tue Dec 17, 6:49 PM < 1 min 27° 22 above W 27 above W Facebook r
Wed Dec 18, 4:25 PM 4 min 35° 26 above SSW 11 above E Facebook
Wed Dec 18, 6:01 PM 2 min 74° 27 above WSW 65 above SE Facebook r
Thu Dec 19, 5:13 PM 3 min 66° 41 above WSW 18 above E Facebook
Thu Dec 19, 6:49 PM < 1 min 27° 22 above W 27 above W Facebook

Thanks wendilla - very murky here today, but I'll keep the list for the rest of the week!
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That was a super clear sighting. took ages to go over full few all the time and best one so far this one round
Question Author
2nd sighting 6 49pm

thank you wendilla - i shall alert my god-daughter
Question Author
excel you missed the best one at 5 12 pm but if sky stays clear she should be lucky

that's a shame - i was walking home from my blood session in town......why didn't i look up in the sky

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Spacestation Sighting Over The Uk This Evening

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