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"the Bridge" Series 2

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mata hati | 10:33 Tue 17th Dec 2013 | Film, Media & TV
11 Answers
Great news - "The Bridge" series 2 (Danish/Swedish) starting early January on BBC4 -Looks Good - Cant wait!!


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Should be good. The first series starts a late-night rerun on Monday at 2:30am on BBC 4.
Or 3:00am start depending on which EPG you check! Good news is the repeat's in HD.
Can't wait for this, it knocks spots off the UK/French effort.
Funnily enough I have just finished watching Season 1 on Netflix. Did enjoy it but thought there were a couple of lazy plot-lines which spoiled it slightly for me.

I think it airs Jan 4th.
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Oh sorry wrong link!
Can't find an 'official' link but the trailer I watched and other sites list 04/01/14.
Have been waiting for this one....absolutely love it!!!
MattK - OK I was going by the short promos the beeb have been running and showing what I thought was the date: 1:14. Doh! They mean Jan 2014! The 1st series nightly repeat from Monday ends on 3rd of Jan so your date looks logical.
Mr Q and I can't wait - the first series was excellent - there is less and less quality dramas on tv these days!
looking forward to it. do enjoy a good bit of nordic noir. sooooo much bette than some other stuf that gets churned out again and again. iinsulting to viewers most of it.

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