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Unusual Presents

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dunnitall | 16:08 Sat 21st Dec 2013 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Because it was my birthday this week I've been able to open some presents that aren't obviously Xmas ones and the most unusual but useful one I've had is a retractable back scratcher lol. It's brilliant, I've not seen one before.

Has anyone had any unusual gifts or will you be able to add to this after Christmas day?


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What is a retractable back???
I was given a garden shed for my 30th birthday.
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No idea what a retractable back is helly, mine was a retractable back scratcher lol.

Love the garden shed sp, very useful...maybe?
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Happy belated birthday Scrivens, what is paracord...for a parachute?
I loved it dunnitall!

From the same source - a fridge for my 21st!

I do love a practical gift.
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Wow sp, you do well for practical gifts, you have some thoughtful people around you
It was my late Dad, he was great at gift giving.
a collapsible wine glass that my old French company had in its give-aways....most useful.
I like girly gifts like perfume, gift vouchers, jewellery etc. One year my hubby bought me a plastic shopping bag, a set of kitchen scales and a pair of oven gloves!

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Unusual Presents

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