I have trial at the Crown Court next month for a attempted robbery, which I plead guilty.
Basically, about two months ago I was going with my friend through the town centre, there were two guys standing next to the cashpoint from which I wanted to withdrawn money, when they finished and were walking away they looked at us and we through they were saying something, after few seconds my friend run up to one of them (which didn't withdrawn the money) said "give my your money" or something similar and pouched him from behind, the guy turned and pouched him back. When I saw this I joined the fight, I pouched the guy about three times and said aswell to give my money, but I didn't want the money and didn't remeber if i really did say it, but it is likely I did (I drunk some alcohol) after that I told my friend to leave and we runned away and were stoped by the police 5 minutes later.
I were allowed to leave the police station with a conditional bail, and had to go to magisteres court, but the case was moved to crown court because I turned 18! and I was 17 when this happened. My friend is 17 and he have been fined with 250 pounds and have to attend to youth centre in the magisters court.
What is the likely sentence for me? I am a 18 year old student, never convinced any crime before. The court told me a probation officer will visit me before my trial.
I didn't want to plead gulity to the attempted robbery but my solicitor told me that if I would'nt say i want any money from the guy it would be a defence act, but because I said it, it is a attempted robbery, and I am likely to get one year suspended and a community sentence.
Is there any chance I will go to jail? I have depression, can't concetrate on my daily life, can't sleep.
Best you show remorse, saying how sorry you are for a moment of stupidity & madness when you went to defend your friend from being attacked. Hopefully the judge will take pity on you, give you a lecture & lighter sentence. Meanwhile don't re-offend, good luck
All that will depend on whether the judge thinks you are truly remorseful. Judges are mature men and will weigh up whether you are a danger to the public, and prosecute accordingly.
Does the judge takes into consideration my parter in crime sentence? because it is really unfair that i am older than him by only 5 months (18) and i am likely to go to jail and he have got off lightly.
You shudda thought of that before you did the crime. Don't mention your sentence against your friends coz it sounds like whinging & judge will lose patience with you.
tamborine , the friend started the attack and when the victim fought back Mikel went and attacked him as well, there is no element of 'defence' that I can see.
The friend demanded money and then 'pouched'( punched) him from behind , victim defended himself, when he saw this Mikel joined his friend in attacking the victim by 'pouching him 3 times' that is NOT defence , the victim is the one who did the defending it is impossible in law for both sides to be 'defenders'.
People seem to be commenting on this without actually reading the original question . Piggynose you have it the wrong way round , it is 2 attackers and 1 victim!
As a matter of interest guys I always thought that if a crime was committed by someone while a jeuvenile and they became an adult in the intervening period they were still tried as a jeuvenile.
Is that not so?
Or are they tried as an adult and sentenced as a jeuvenile or have I got that all wrong?
Depends on the age at date of conviction, svejk. But I just checked in Archbold, Criminal Pleading and found that one court had adjourned sentence on a person under age, the person had become an adult during the adjournment, and the court the weighed him off as an adult. The Court of Appeal thought this device unsporting! They allowed the appeal.
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