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Birchy | 09:14 Thu 24th Jan 2002 | Home & Garden
2 Answers
How would the judge of a flower show know if you'd gone down to Sainsbury's and bought six identical, and clearly well grown, apples? Same goes for any fruit/veg/flowers etc.?


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I've never seen apples in Sainsbury's that would match the ones grown in my parents' orchard, and those aren't up to show standard. You'd lose.
Basically, they don't. But if it's a local show (like the one we have in our village) believe me they would know if you were a green-fingered demon or a cheating mare!!! As far as the big shows go I go along with Incitatus - nothing that you buy in the 'shops' would be show standard.

P.S. I won the sweet pea class last year and I was glared at for weeks by the WI clan !!!!!

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