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TWR | 19:50 Tue 24th Dec 2013 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
I would like to wish you all out there the very best, that includes our lads overseas trying to stabilize their country the people that hardly get mentioned, the nurses, firemen / police, ambulance & paramedics, doctors, the people that I may have offended with my comments or replies, A merry Christmas to you all, & the best for the season.


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All the very best to you too TWR:-) wishes and a brandy toast at midnight?
All the best to you also, TWR.
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Brandy " Yes" Gness, Toast! I don't mix my drinks lol lol all the best to you.xx

All the best Tony, don't drink too much lol lol
I second those sentiments, TWR and all the best to you too xx
//the people that hardly get mentioned, the nurses, firemen / police, ambulance & paramedics....//

would that be the same firemen who have gone ahead with their strike action despite much of southern England being underwater?
Question Author
Yes, they are the same firemen,
All the very best to you too TWR.
Hi TWR - have a good one and continue being politically incorrect!
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Part of the service DT, I hope the weather your way is kind to you all, that includes persons in Kent.
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You also Millie x
And my best wishes to you and yours TWR and all mentioned x
Too late with the weather TWR, lost part of my garden fencing last night but hey ho easily replaceable nothing important in my books.
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I'll pop down tomoro Brenden and sort it for lol x
Promises promises TWR - have a great time over christmas.
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Will do & yourself, take care.
I`ve just heard that the firemen are returning to work to help out the people that are flooded out for Christmas. Good for them (even though I support their right to strike)
Merry Christmas TWR
a lovely post TWR :)
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Did you read 237s answer Mushroom? Merry Xmas. Merry xmas Anne / 237 xx all.

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