I have 4 months left to run on my contract but would like to cancel it as I am trying to economise. I contacted the phone co. but they say I have to pay an early cancellation fee. Can they enforce this. What happens if I just cancel my direct debit, obviously pay what I own for phone use and ignore the cancellation fee?
the answer is all in the title of your question, "Contract".
You have either signed or had a verbal agreement that in exchange for them providing you with a phone and line, you will pay them X amount a month. Same pinciple as any other contract. If you stop direct debit, you will have broken your contract and they will pursue you (via court if necassary) for the rest of the money
Yes, the contract you agreed to, means you will have to pay to get out of it- usually the same amount as the total of the remaining months x your monthly tariff.
Depending on what your contract says, it may be cheaper to ask them if you can just drop your montly tariff to a cheaper one with less minutes etc, and keep the contract running. I know Orange allows this after a certain amount of time, and i think Vodafone does too.
My grandson has the same problem He is tied in with a contract to 02 until August. He wants to cancel and go on a cheaper contract ( hard up at Uni !!) and they have told him he has to pay the monthly amount until August or settle by paying the amount outstanding in full.