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Hotel Breakfast With The Tv !!! Any Hotels Without Tv?

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piggynose | 09:12 Sat 07th Dec 2013 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
What a pain! is it really important to have the old goggle box blaring away while you eat your breakfast? I wonder if theres such thing as tv less breakfast room in a hotel ?


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I will be your waiter Minty, I will wear a little black pinny if you want me too!
pay a bit more there are plenty around....

Most of the ones I go to are tv less
If it is anything like a ratter's lodge or a sanitised Thistle - I always go for the victorian lodge... not many in London tho'

and many are dog friendly which is a great advantage...
I don`t "do" breakfast in hotels. On the rare occasions I bother to surface for one, I`ve never heard a blaring TV although I wouldn`t mind if CNN or something was with the sound down and subtitles up.
BTW you could always tell them to turn it down. Or put your thoughts on Tripadvisor and they might get the hint.
Just a wee pinny Ratter ?'ll scare the animals !
Just a wee pinny Minty!
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i did try to voice my opinions on tripadvisor, but i was told i have to wait 3 months, cuz i've already done a recent review.
You do as I do and lie.......when I'm not cutting the plug off but that was only in a hospital.

Look doe eyed and tell the staff the TV is interfering with your new fangled hearing aid causing a terrible buzzing in your head.

If the TV isn't turned down you and your companion/s must converse in the loudest voices possible.......

Never had to do the second bit.....☻
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