Cost Of 100 Mile Round Trip in The AnswerBank: Motoring
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Cost Of 100 Mile Round Trip

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Jennykenny | 05:35 Sun 29th Dec 2013 | Motoring
9 Answers
Going on a shopping trip with a friend in her car, (6 year old Honda Jazz), 100 mile round trip. How much would be reasonable to contribute to the petrol costs?
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My ancient 1.6 litre Ford Escort Estate uses petrol at a rate of 15p per mile, so a 100 mile journey would cost me 15 quid. A Honda Jazz would probably have roughly the same mpg, so offering a tenner would be generous but a fiver would be stingy.
Just a thought:
Assuming that youre happy to dine in places like Wetherspoon's (rather than at the Ritz!), it might be simplest to say "Seeing as you're paying for the fuel, I'll get lunch". That would probably be a reasonble quid pro quo.
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Thanks to you both, will go with the tenner.
Any figure between 12p a mile and 50p a mile could be justified, depending on whether you want to include the marginal costs of petrol, oil, tyre wear, mileage on the clock (each 1000 miles done reduces the resale value by at least £50)and the general wear and tear, and whether you want to pay a share of what are more like fixed costs (car tax, insurance, MOT charges).
I would suggest at least £15 and probably £20 as a fairer figure plus any car park charges which you can pay as a thankyou
100 mile divided by 2 =50 miles. About 1.5 galls
£5 would be stingy £10 would be fair and generous.

Just remind me not to travel anywhere with FF will you!

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Thank you FF, not sure that my brain is up to this, but will up my contribution to £12.00 due to your input.
And thanks to everyone else.
roughly £5 for 25 miles in my car so double that £10 should do it
i would look at it like this - would your friend be going anyway? if so, don't feel so bad about £10. If she's making a special trip, pay the £12

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