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Happy Birthday Caran

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Ann | 01:08 Sun 29th Dec 2013 | ChatterBank
40 Answers
Have a lovely birthday! xx


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Happy birthday Caran x
happy birthday xxx
Happy Birthday !!

D xx
Happy Birthday, Caran....Gx
happy birthday caran. hope you have a good day. x
Happy Birthday, have a good day x
Happy Birthday Caran, hope you have a good one :o) xxx
many happy returns
Caran - have a wonderful day. Tipple of your choice, I hope comes your way, as well as a slice of cake. dtc x
Happy birthday Caran, may it be a good one.
Happy Birthday x
Thank you to Maisie, wolf63, water boatman, Dee Sa, sandier one,pixie373, boxtops, Eve, rocky raccoon, berniecuddles, sunny cave, gness, lady-Janine, tiggerblueto, humbler sloop, DTCrosswordfan, Marvel and netibiza, sorry only just logged on.
Happy birthday :-)
Happy Birthday Caran XX
Have a lovely Birthday, Caran.
Thank you, BOO, silliemillie and Daisy Nonna.
Happy birthday Caran.
Thank you elliemay1
Hope you had a wonderful day.
Belated happy birthday Caran. I hope you had a great day xx

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Happy Birthday Caran

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